I am thrilled that my recent artwork “Do Antennas Dream of Electric Skies?” has been selected to be exhibited at this year’s Computer Art Congress (CAC) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
CAC is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary academic gathering that interrogates art and sciences from different angles. CAC puts attention on the ways in which actors use hardware, software, scientific artifacts, surfaces, supports, and forces. CAC.8 is an opportunity to explore forms and matters in a speculative yet possible manifestation: What happens outside the scope of human perception? Which materials are sustainable to preserve and to collect? How to create long-standing and inter-generational artworks? As an academic and intellectual contribution, CAC interrogates how actors understand the current trends and main issues of our contemporary world. In this respect, theories, paradigms, traditions, methodologies, workflows, algorithms, schemes, ontologies, monads, ideas, and epistemologies are intertwined in the work and effects of artworks and experiences. Following this line, CAC.8 asks in which sense is artificial intelligence a new order of thinking? How the increasing interest in generative media modifies culture and traditions? How biases, and our overall implicit way of being, are projected throughout the creation process?
31st October – 2nd November, 2024
National University La Plata
Buenos Aires, Argentina