Close-Up Chrono-Shredder IV
Felix Ringel Galerie/Garage 2010
Exhibtion view from solo-show "Gloomy Haven"
Kielce Institute of Design, 2015
Exhibition view In.stability (et omnia veritas) curated by Monika Patuszyńska
A Smile In The Mind II, Phaidon 2015
The Art of Calendar Design, Sandu 2014
Les Objets Fous d'Artists, Editions Hoëbeke 2008
Jetzt.Now, Kerber Verlag 2011
Publication for exhibition at Marta Herford
Save 7the Date, Victionary 2011
O'Clock, CAFA 2013
Kairos Castle, Kasteel van Gasbeek 2016
Publication for exhibition in Beijing, CAFA Art Museum